Art Lovers
Hi Art Lovers,
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Nov 10, 2020 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
My watercolor demo for November, 10th at 1:00pm will be a fall landscape. Photo taken in Bethel, NY.
I will discuss the following watercolor techniques;
Under painting for a glow
How to paint foliage
Painting trunks and branches
Shadows and highlights.
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Thank you!
As a dear old southern friend used to say, “Lord willin’ and the creek don’t rise” we will be on our way out of this unprecedented pandemic by the time you read this. During these difficult times our Art Lovers Club members have been trying to keep our spirits up by viewing as much art online as possible. Of course, our trips to the Cannon Gallery and Lux Art Institute were canceled but we were able to see Michelle Montjoy’s fabric art installation streaming live from the Lux Art Institute. For those who missed it, there is a video on YouTube. Search Lux Art Institute on the YouTube site to see Montjoy’s video as well as others.
The Cannon Art Gallery is currently closed, so please enjoy this virtual tour of our current exhibition, Edges Frayed.
The Lux Art Institute is offering a wealth of information with their On AiR feature as they step into the minds of their Artist-in-Residence (AiR), reconnect with previous AiRs, dive deeper into the themes and practices of their artists, and get a behind-the-scenes peek at how they bring these incredible programs to life. If you scroll down you will see that Michelle Montjoy is teaching an online class on knitting. Montjoy will teach you how to turn your old clothes into skeins of material and use common household items as knitting and crocheting tools. To access go to via
Whether or not we will be able to take our trip to Oceanside Museum of Art on May 19 to view art by the Southern California Contemporary Quilt artists is questionable. While the museum doors are closed, your access to inspiration and creativity will remain open. Visit OMA on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and on the new Virtual OMA page at Be sure to follow @oceansidemuseum and #ArtAtOMA
While we were very disappointed that we weren’t able to have watercolorist, Jayne Spencer demonstrate and speak to our members, we hope to re-schedule her visit in the fall. In the meantime, be well, stay active and keep art in your lives.
ART LOVERS CLUB, Thursday, March 26, 2020
Sadly, due to the recent Corona Virus/Covid-19 CANCELED
What’s on your walls? Is it art? Paintings? Drawings? Photography? Art is more than what appears on walls and tables, “Edges Frayed” at the Cannon Art Gallery brings new insight into art. This exhibition brings together three regional artists: Bhavna Mehta, Michelle Montjoy, and Irma Sofia Poeter, in a material- rich conversation about construction and connection. You will see fine stitching and cutting, fraying fabrics and abstract shapes, text, color, texture, volume, and shadows that tell life stories.
Join us on Thursday, March 26 at 10:15 at the Overflow Lot to carpool to the Cannon Gallery at the Dove Library in Carlsbad, 1775 Dove Lane and the Lux Art Institute, 1550 S. El Camino Real in Encinitas. At 11:00 a.m. multi-disciplinary artists, Mehta and Montjoy will guide us through the art works discussing the materials, handiwork and socially engaged art.
At 12:15 enjoy lunch at one of restaurants in the adjacent shopping center, Beach Plum Kitchen, Tin Leaf Kitchen, Black Rail Kitchen or Notorious Burgers. At 1:30 we leave for an optional tour at the Lux Art Institute to view more fabric installations by Montjoy at the Brandes Gallery in the Education Pavilion. Called “Borrow Pit” this exhibition is made mostly from used clothing transforming it into a soft, playful and interactive space. The knotted and tied textile pieces consider the tenuous connection of the habitats we wear on our backs and those of the natural world which will be discussed by textile artist, Michelle Montjoy.
For more information on this trip and to arrange carpooling please contact Nikki Bluestein at 760-758-2612. For more information about the Art Lovers Club visit our website at
ART LOVERS CLUB, Tuesday, February 18, 2020
At our February 18th meeting members will share with the group some of their favorite treasures, whether old or new. This is always an interesting meeting. So, get out that old photo, painting, teapot or necklace and share its story. It’s fun! We love to hear the stories behind these treasured items. If you wish to present your treasure please contact Paula Doss at 858-220-0246.
The meeting will take place on Tuesday, February 18, 2020 at 1:00 pm. in the Mykonos Room. Come early at 12:30 to enjoy the refreshments.
If you haven’t already renewed your $10 membership, you may bring your check, payable to OH Art Lovers Club, to the meeting. If you would like to join our club you may do so at the meeting. Of course, you can always bring your check to the front desk at the Clubhouse.
We have a lot of exciting and interesting programs and trips planned. For more information and our six month calendar of events please check out our website at
Please note that because of Clubhouse renovations, the entrance to the Mykonos Room will be moved to the right side of the building next to the courts.